Our Christmas

My favorite time of year…

I took enough candid photographs to document most of our holiday. The one thing I did not get was a family snapshot or even a picture of the three children posed together on Christmas. I’m grateful we did actual portraits earlier in the month to send to close family and friends so we have that to fall back on. The Christmas picture together was a tradition we tend to do during our celebrations with family. This year was obviously a bit different; we didn’t have any guests and we didn’t travel at all – it was just as it has been most of the year – just us five.

We had a fantastic holiday; from ‘pin the mustache on Santa’ (which our youngest won hands down) to ‘Christmas BINGO’ where each child had a few chances to win. We took our time openings gifts allowing each child to pick a few to open on the eve of Christmas and then opened the rest of them the next day.

It was two days of almost no complaints, no crying, and hardly any issues. It was heavenly.

Everybody was gifted a few items off their wish list which gave each of us something to do once the excitement died down. It allowed for some relaxing holiday movie time, book reading, and creativity. Play time was obviously a must for the kids with many new Lego sets, dinosaurs, dress-up clothes and dolls to enjoy. I have to say, it was very refreshing.

I can’t say that I wasn’t disappointed it was over. I liked that we had something to be excited about and an event to plan and prepare for. I was dreading going back to the monotony at first. It is fine though, sometimes life is monotonous. We try to focus on being grateful that our boring is because nothing bad is happening in our lives.

*knock on wood*

I love the glow of the Christmas tree throughout the season.

I hope that your holiday was safe and enjoyable (no matter what you celebrate).

Until next time,


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