New Years Planning

We are having a JUMANJI “party” with the kids to celebrate New Years Eve. It won’t be anything too crazy, but some fun themed snacks & a bubbly beverage along side the original movie, “Jumanji”. I made a small sign to hang in the dining room and a few fun labels for the snack bowls.Continue reading “New Years Planning”

A Time to be…

In learning more about the celebration of Thanksgiving as an adult, I find that what I was taught as a child is much different than the actual history of the holiday. There is much tragedy surrounding the story of Thanksgiving. When I first learned of this I had a hard time “celebrating”. Now I’ve comeContinue reading “A Time to be…”

Rejection – Seems to be a Trend

In September I wrote about how as a stay-at-home mother I sometimes feel a bit claustrophobic being mom all the time. It wasn’t that I don’t enjoy it, but more about the need to be something (someone) other than “mom” all the time. Following that post I ended up applying for a couple full-time opportunitiesContinue reading “Rejection – Seems to be a Trend”

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